Happy Valentine’s Day Friends!

I hope you had an extra special day with the ones you love!  I hope you enjoy these photos of my Valentine Branch.  Don’t you just love this sweet little owl.  He was a gift from my friend, Sharon.  The branch hangs in my living room throughout the year, all decorated for each season.

I also wanted to post a quick note to apologize for being MIA for a while.  I didn’t realize how long it’s been.  There’s so much to report and there has been so little time to report it.

This past weekend we were in Puerto Penasco, Mexico.  It was the first time I’ve been there.  The Catfish Hunters did a concert on Saturday night and we had a great time!  Pictures to come soon.

More big news and probably a little bit of an excuse as to why I haven’t been on my blog too much.  I just received in the mail the book that I created through Blurb.com!  It was a (mostly) photo travel book about a trip that I was privileged to take to Israel and Jordan in October with a non-profit organization that I work with.   The book is 12″ x 12″ and 200 pages (yes, you read that right).  It turned out beautifully if I must say so myself!  I’ll have pictures of that and a link soon too!

I also had the privilege of planning a celebration for a dear friend of ours…of course there are photos of that on the way too!

See, I really do have a few good reasons for not being online.  Just sorry that it kept me away from all my friends here.  See you soon.  I promise.

2 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day Friends!

  1. I LOVE your branch! I had a cool branch hanging in my classroom for a few years, but last year, I broke it into bits when we made family trees and some kids actually wanted to use branches. I think I must look for a new suitable branch.

    Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!


    1. Thanks Mim,

      I really have fun with it. I’ve been thinking that I want to paint a lighter color rectangle behind it to make it stand out a little better. Some of the decorations, just don’t show up well against the tan color, especially in pictures. We’ll see what we can come up with. If you search for “branch” in my blog search field you can see other ways that I decorated it too.


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