Fabric Bird Possibilities

I just discovered that my links to the Fabric Bird pattern are broken, so I found a new link to a similar bird.  There’s an entire Flickr Group called The Spool Bird Softies jam packed with beautiful ideas.  This photo is from Sew This is My Life.  And here’s a link to the original pattern on Spool.

My friend Linda, found the original pattern.  She’s always on the lookout for great ideas to pass along, which is such a huge help! The post even has a link to the pattern, which I just printed out and it looks SUPER SIMPLE.

Linda suggested that I make some for my branch in the living room, which I agree is an awesome idea! I’ve had trouble coming up with something for summer and this just might be the answer. I think I even have time to do some sewing.

Now I just need to find some appropriate fabric.

Thanks, Linda!

Oh and speaking of birds, remind me to tell you Terry’s latest bird story…kinda sad, but hopefully not tragic. Let’s just say that no one’s going to be calling him Dr. Doolittle anytime soon. I have pictures too. Stay tuned…

Valentine Branch
I’m finally getting around to posting pics of my branch decorated for Valentine’s Day.

I added a metallic heart garland this year and I left up many of the snowflake decorations that were up there for the winter holiday season, since February is a snowy month in most parts of the world.

I must say that the Valentine decorations are one of the sets that go best with the red sofa and other red accents in the room.

My pastel Easter Egg decorations are up now and I’m not sure what I’ll do after that…

Any ideas?

If you haven’t visited recently, be sure to scroll down and see the last post of Coffee Cup History below.

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have an amazing holiday, celebrating the birth of our Lord!

Terry, Shredder and I are just relaxing this morning and will soon be wrapping presents…yes, just getting going on the wrapping. Don’t you just love this pic of Terry and Shredder enjoying the Christmas paper together? I think Shredder is a bit put off by the fact that there’s a PUPPY on the cover page! I mean really, what were they thinking?

Our sweet kitty is becoming more and more cuddly as she gets older (and the temperatures go down). Terry reluctantly lets her on his lap when my lap isn’t available. So today we’ll be lounging around most of the day, and also enjoy a special dinner together (just the two of us). We’re hoping for a phone call from Kevin either today or Sunday (or both). We miss having all the kids here, but know that it’s just another season of life that we’re passing thru.

Our “official” Christmas won’t be until Sunday when Amy & Andrew are here. We’ll wait to open the majority of our gifts then.

Terry and I each opened our Christmas Eve gifts last night (pajamas and an ornament). Our Hann tradition is to get at least one ornament each year that relates to an event or interest. This year we got 3 ornaments.

The wooden one with the fruit tree we bought in New Hampshire in October at an artist’s gallery. It reminds us of the gorgeous trees we saw there.

The camera is for me…self explanatory.

The wooden turtle is from Maui. We just bought it there earlier this month and it reminds us of the amazing animals and nature that we saw there.

I thought I’d share an updated photo of my branch as well. I’ve added the Christmas cards, photos and letters that we’ve received this year. It’s so great looking at all those expressions of love and news from our dear friends and family when we walk in the front door. Thank you to all who took time out of their busy schedules to send them. I know that it gets more and more difficult every year to squeeze in all the holiday tasks. I didn’t get a Christmas card or letter out yet this year but I’m seriously hoping to do one via email in the next week or so (since I’m off work).

Have a blessed day, filled with the love of family and friends.

Belated Easter Decorating:

So here’s the next version of my branch on the living room wall with Easter Eggs. Sorry it’s late, but I wanted to post it anyway. As you’ll soon see, I’m behind on my posts, so be sure to scroll down if you haven’t been back in a while. There may be several new posts since you visited last.

I know that the pastels don’t look great against the red sofa. I have a white slipcover that I need to try on the sofa, which I think would look much better.
